Ok I took a chance and ordered some new glasses from this website.
I love browsing there they have glasses as cheap as $8 and that includes the prescription lenses!!!
Also add to that you can make any pair into sunglasses for just $4.95 more.. AWESOME and cheaper than well anywhere... well I was nervous, but I went ahead and ordered a cute but cheap pair of glasses, + tinting and I would be getting my first ever pair of prescription sunglasses!!! Yayy well I placed my order on Feb. 11Th, the total was $19.95, and that included their $4.95 shipping (that is a flat fee for everyone!). Well imagine my surprise when they were here today!!! so 10 days to make them and send them to me from the day I ordered them (including the weekend) That really isn't bad timing! and I LOVE them. I was worried b/c I know how much everyone else in the world charges for glasses and well this just had to be to good to be true. But amazingly I really like them and I am thinking about getting a new pair of glasses (as a back up pair with out the tinting) in the same frame.... Anyone want to help me pick a color????
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