Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bed time and sleeping babies

Ok for starters My kids have a crazy, early, weird bedtime.... Yes I get odd looks when I tell people what time it is, and even odder comments.. My favorite is..."oh I could never put my kids to bed THAT early... Listen I don't do bedtime for me... (all the time... Though having mommy time is a nice incentive) I do it because that is what my kids need to function the next day. Ok bedtime at my house for the kids (8 year old included ) is 7 pm...At 7 o clock I take all 4 kids up stairs, Nathaniel will shower in the morning so he gets on his pajamas and reads a book in bed. Alex showers and the girls take a bath, everyone is into pajamas usually by 7:15. Then it is time for a story (or chapter in a big book, we are reading the trumpet of the swans right now). Then I take the girls into their room and get them settled down, 9 times out of 10 every one is passed out by 7:45. That one time...well I know when to give up...We had one of those nights the other night...
sighh yes this was taken at 10:29...the girls where wired...It was a fun night....
Hello Caitlynn :). And yes Brianna is "reading" a Stephen King book...good thing there are no pictures LOL, I believe that night Caitlynn was "reading" a book about knights.

And now on to sleeping babies...I love them they are so sweet cuddly and oh squeezable... So for this reason alone I decided to take pictures of my girls napping today ....
don't mind the red mark on her cheek, she had just rolled over...
look at the unruly hair and bright red you baby sweet dreams...
And now for Caitlynn...oh my word...
I love footy jammies and so do my girls...Caitlynn especially... oh she is just smooshable ;)
check out the sleeping sweet :) well I hope you enjoyed my pics.
until later!

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